For Forth of July we had a wonderful time at Little Captiva with The Morreale's. We spent the time fishing, beaching and eating. Oh and Anthony caught a shark...yes he spent 20 minute bringing a shark into the beach and about 45 minutes getting the shark to go back out. That is a story to ask about!!
Even though it was hot and buggy, it was a wonderful trip that P enjoyed greatly. I know this because most of the weekend she slept and was not kicking. I have found that anytime I am moving or in motion she is fine but the mo

ment that I sit or god forbid try to sleep she is kicking and tossing away. Two nights ago Anthony actually felt her kick for the first time, his comment was doesn't that hurt. Hmm..not really it is just soothing to feel her healthy and moving. I think I am starting to get excited and moving past the initial shock that there is a baby actually in my stomach. I can't ignore it now, most of my clothes do not fit. Thankfully it is summer and I can get away with wearing dresses.

Besides our trip, we have been spending a lot of time and money getting the house together and nesting for our new arrival. So far we have moved furniture, organized the office (now office/guestroom), painted and this weekend we are having laminate put in downstairs. Next we will be on to P’s room. What do you think she would like?? I am thinking green and pink..girly but not over the top. I guess I will just have to wait and see.
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