I am really not good at this blogging thing J So, in the last month this is what has happened:
1. We went home to AZ for 2 weeks. The main reason for going home is that Nick and Tessie graduated from College but also just to see family. It was really nice to go home and really hard to leave. It makes me sad, that like me and my brother, my children are going to be far away from their family. It also makes me really jealous because besides friends, we have no one else to help out. If I need a babysitter, if I have questions, if something comes up, it will always be up to us to figure it out. I just really hope that everyone knows how fortunate they are to have family close by. (I am not stepping down from my soap box.)
2. I now have to give myself nightly shots of Lovenox a blood thinner because of my past blood clot. This is by far not fun. However, I have gotten used to it by now and how to make it the least painful as possible. Only 6 months left to go.
3. We bought a SUV this last weekend. We decided to trade in my beloved, but falling apart, F150 for a Honda CRV. I love the CRV so far. It gets good gas mileage for and SUV and has all the options (including leather) that I wanted. It was just hard writing out that check. We had been saving for 3 years to buy the vehicle with cash but seeing the money gone from my account does make my heart flutter a bit.
So the big question how am I feeling??
I have had a lot of headaches lately and sharp pains in my stomach. The headaches come every afternoon and are just a reminder that I am alive. The pains however the Dr. tells me is just from things moving and shifting in my stomach. I have a little baby bump (enough that all my pants that used to fit are tight) but I am excited about getting big enough to show (and not look bloated) and also I really want to feel the baby. At this point, I just don’t feel like there is a baby there. We also found out that in 3 weeks we will have an ultra sound and hopefully at that point find out how the baby is doing and hopefully the sex. Anthony and I both thing we are having a girl and would be shocked if we have a boy, even though we really don’t care…as long as the baby P is healthy.